Seattle Public Schools


Social Emotional Learning Skills

SEL resources for staff (login required)

What is Social Emotional Learning?


  • develop a healthy identity
  • manage emotions
  • achieve goals
  • show empathy
  • have supportive relationships
  • make responsible decisions

SEL Promotes Welcoming Schools

SPS支持社会情绪学习作为我们努力创造的一部分 welcoming schools, especially for students furthest from educational justice.

  • We want all students to feel valued, welcomed, and safe in school so they are more likely to participate, stay in school and learn.
  • 当教育者与学生和家庭建立积极的关系时, our young people experience more academic success.
  • Our schools strive to meet students’ cultural, social, emotional, 以及行为需求,让他们有归属感和幸福感.

SEL Starts at Home

Families are a child’s first teachers. As children grow, 父母和家庭继续支持孩子在家里的社交情感生活.

SEL continues at school. 学校是另一个提供学习情感机会的环境, show empathy for others, and contribute to the community.

Why focus on SEL at school? When students feel connected to their teachers, peers, and school, the learning networks in their brain become stronger. 情感和关系都可以激励学生参与学习, or, if unmanaged, interfere with learning, memory, and positive behaviors. 几十年的研究告诉我们,社交情感技能对学术学习和我们的孩子在事业和公民生活中取得成功所需的能力都至关重要. 孩子的社会情感发展在父母和家庭的支持下是最好的, schools, and community partners all work together.

SEL continues in the community. 社区机构在支持儿童健康发展和使学生能够在儿童学习的许多环境中继续学习方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Everyday SEL at Home

用一系列的感受和需求来应对这段时间的挑战是很正常的. 我们希望下面的3个简单的建议可以帮助你建立日常生活习惯,以支持你的家庭健康.

Elementary: Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Be an Emotion Scientist

注意自己的感受会让你更容易做出要做什么的选择. 每天练习这个技巧可以帮助我们注意到我们在压力下的感受,这样我们就可以做出让我们感觉良好的选择.

Say how you feel! To figure out how you feel you can pay attention to:

  • How your body feels
  • Your thoughts
  • Your emotions


Set Goals and Celebrate

Persevering, learning from mistakes, 关注有效的方法可以帮助我们完成我们需要完成的事情. Celebrating makes doing things more fun!

  • 在大人的帮助下设定目标,并庆祝目标的实现!
  • 每天想想你想做的一件事,比如做家务, an outside activity, or a learning activity.
  • 当你做这件事的时候,注意到你正在完成你的目标!
  • Celebrate by telling yourself you’ve done a great job.
  • 在你没有完成目标的日子里,原谅自己,改天再试!

Solve Problems with Kindness


As you play and learn there will be problems. Problems give you a chance to be your “best self”. To be your best self, you and the adults you’re with can:

  • Notice how you and others feel
  • Listen to other people’s ideas
  • Say your ideas and ask for help with kindness.


Elementary: 2nd – 3rd Grade

Be an Emotion Scientist

注意自己的感受会让你更容易做出要做什么的选择. 每天练习这个技巧可以帮助我们注意到我们在压力下的感受,这样我们就可以做出让我们感觉良好的选择.

每天一次,说出你对自己或对周围人的感受. To figure out how you feel you can observe:

  • How your body feels
  • Your thoughts
  • Your emotions

你和你在一起的人可以使用情绪测量器来帮助了解你的感受. Notice if saying your feeling changes how you feel.

Set Goals and Celebrate

Persevering, learning from mistakes, 关注有效的方法可以帮助我们完成我们需要完成的事情. Celebrating makes doing things more fun!

  • 你可能有家务、功课和体育活动要做.
  • Set 1 or 2 goals for yourself each day. Examples are reading or moving your
    body for 20 minutes.
  • 制定一个计划来完成你的目标,写下你什么时候去做.
  • 当你完成目标时,告诉自己你做得很好,以此来庆祝!
  • 在你没有完成目标的日子里,原谅自己,再试一次!

Solve Problems with Kindness


As you play, work, and learn there will be problems. Problems give you a chance to be your “best self”. To be your best self you can:

  • Notice how you and others feel
  • Listen to other people’s ideas
  • Say your ideas and ask for help with kindness

如果你感到不安,你可能需要花点时间暂停一下. 这将有助于你和善地说话,对你周围的人有同理心.

当你做“最好的自己”时,你可以做两件重要的事情:解决问题和为自己的善良感到自豪. You and the people around you might have more fun together too!

Elementary: 4th – 5th Grade

Be an Emotion Scientist

注意自己的感受会让你更容易做出要做什么的选择. 每天练习这个技巧可以帮助我们注意到我们在压力下的感受,这样我们就可以做出让我们感觉良好的选择.

Once a day, become aware of how you feel. Observe:

  • Your body sensations
  • Your thoughts
  • Your emotions

你和你在一起的人可以使用情绪测量器来帮助了解你的感受. Consider how your feelings affect what you’re doing. 决定你是想保持现在的感觉,还是换一种不同的感觉. Decide what you’ll do to keep or change your feeling.

Set Goals and Celebrate

Persevering, learning from mistakes, 关注有效的方法可以帮助我们完成我们需要完成的事情. Celebrating makes doing things more fun!

  • You may have household chores, 要做的功课和体育活动,你要设定目标,制定计划,把它们都完成.
  • 每周设定2-3个目标,制定完成目标的计划.
  • Write down your goals and the tasks you’ll do each day. You might plan when you’ll do the things on your list.
  • 每次完成计划中的任务时,都要庆祝一下,告诉自己你取得了很大的进步!
  • 当你没有完成一项任务时,原谅自己然后重新开始.
  • 当你完成一周的目标时,通过注意自己的感受和反思自己做得好的事情来庆祝!
  • Share your accomplishments with the people around you!

Solve Problems with Kindness


As you play, work, and learn there will be problems. Problems give you a chance to be your “best self”. To be your best self you can:

  • 通过说出你的感受并对他人感同身受来注意你和他人的感受
  • Listen to other people’s ideas
  • Say your ideas and ask for help with kindness. 你可以使用“我陈述”,比如,“我觉得很沮丧,因为我想要一个转弯,我能下一个吗??” or “I don’t understand this, can you please explain it to me?”

如果你感到不安,你可能需要花点时间暂停一下. Remember the strategies that help you most. They might be taking a deep breath, getting a drink of water, or telling yourself that you can do hard things.

当你做“最好的自己”时,你可以做两件重要的事情:解决问题和为自己的善良感到骄傲. 你可能会学到一些关于什么有助于解决家庭问题,什么没有.

你可以记录下哪些方法有效,并单独或与周围的人一起练习这些方法. 做“最好的自己”,用友善的态度解决问题,会让你在家里和别人相处时更开心,感觉更好.

Middle School: Self Awareness and Your Emotions 

当你理解自己的感受时,你就在发展自我意识. This will help you identify sources of emotional strain, how you’re affected and most importantly, how to positively manage stress.

每天通过对自己或他人的情绪检查来监控你的情绪. 谈谈你的感受和原因,并努力给这些情绪贴上标签. 认识到你是如何通过你的身体和思想来表达这些感受的,这样你就可以提高你的自我意识

认识到在这段时间里你如何处理自己的情绪和情绪是你个人的胜利. 与他人交流有助于你获得灵感的技巧或习惯.

Talk to a trusted adult if you are feeling anxious or down, or if you recognize that someone you know is having a hard time.

提高你在学校和社会中的自我意识, 写下你是如何描述你的个人身份的,或者和你的朋友或家人谈谈.

Set Goals and Celebrate Accomplishing Them

当你设定目标时,你是在向你的心和大脑传递你愿意完成事情的信息. No matter the goal, 重要的是你认识到自己的努力并庆祝自己的成功. 

每天或每周设定1-2个现实的目标,让你有成就感. 把这些写下来,或者和那些对你负责的人分享.

Examples of goals can be academic, like reading or completing math problems online, exercising for 20 minutes each day, or assisting with chores.
当设定目标时,反思你的身份,正如上面的自我意识类别所描述的那样 & Emotions. 你的身份如何引导你的目标,以及你实现目标的能力和资源? Write or discuss what supports do you need to reach your goals. 与朋友或信任的成年人讨论如何制定一个计划来完成你设定的目标.

Reward yourself and celebrate when you reach your goals! 当你不这样做的时候,练习自我同情和宽恕,但要始终坚持下去!

Solve Problems Effectively and with Kindness


记住,与他人发生问题或争吵是生活中正常的一部分. 练习积极、一致的沟通,并以解决问题为中心.


想想研究同理心,以及不同背景的人之间的差异如何影响人们如何看待一个有问题的情况. Why might some not understand the perceptions of others? 写或谈论或讨论学生和成年人从其他角度看待事物的积极方式,以培养同理心, respect, and value diversity.

For example, 也许两个人对目前世界上正在发生的事情的反应不同, with one being angry and one scared. 这两个人需要花时间去探索为什么对方会有这样的感觉, digging deep and trying to understand other perspectives.

解决冲突的关键是找到解决办法,而不是改变别人的观点来迎合你的观点. When you do not share the same opinions,
see if you can understand the other person and stay respectful.

High School: Self Awareness and Your Emotions

当你理解自己的感受时,你就在发展自我意识. This will help you identify sources of emotional strain, how you’re affected and most importantly, how to positively manage stress.

通过对自己或他人的情绪检查来监控你的情绪. 谈谈你的感受和原因,并努力给这些情绪贴上标签. 认识到你是如何表达你的感受的,这样你就可以提高你的自我意识. 注意是什么触发了你的负面情绪,比如新闻媒体. Consider limiting those things.

Take a mindful moment for yourself each day. You can do this in a variety of ways. One suggestion is to try and find a quiet place at home, sit comfortably, and practice deep breathing, paying attention to the experiences of each of your five senses. 当你全身心投入手头的任务时,正念可以帮助你集中注意力,减少分心, such as mindfully exercising.

通过反思你的身份(例如:自我意识)来探索你的自我意识的深度. 种族/民族、文化、性别、性取向、社会阶层或残疾)影响了你的身份.

如果悲伤的感觉干扰了你的日常生活,一定要向一个值得信赖的成年人求助, as these could indicate something more serious is going on.

Set Goals and Celebrate Accomplishing Them

当你设定目标时,你是在向你的心和大脑传递你愿意完成事情的信息. No matter the goal, 重要的是你认识到自己的努力并庆祝自己的成功. 

每天或每周设定2-3个目标,为你的学业、社交、情感和身体健康提供动力. 考虑和你的家人或朋友一起用应用程序建立一个问责小组. Don’t be afraid to keep things simple!

Connect your strengths to goals so that you remain motivated. 认识到自己的局限性和需要改进的地方. If you are disorganized, 考虑一下设定目标,比如打扫房间和帮忙做家务. And if you have younger siblings, 试着帮助他们设定自己的目标,或者一起朝着同一个目标努力.
Reward yourself and celebrate when you reach your goals, but if you don’t practice self-compassion and forgiveness, but always persevere.

写信或与朋友或信任的成年人讨论你的身份, as described in the above category of Self Awareness & Emotions. How has your identity impacted the development of goals? 写下或讨论你在克服障碍时需要什么支持,并制定一个你觉得能让你完成目标的计划.

Solve Problems Effectively and with Kindness


Conflicts with others is a natural part of life. 当冲突发生时,努力与他人进行有效的沟通,记住你选择的词语,并保持它们的清晰和友好. Maintain respect for yourself and others!

想想你可能遇到过的问题,或者你认为有问题的基于身份的问题. Research reasons why folks may have these perceptions. 试着列一个清单,列出人们如何积极支持解决这些问题.

考虑一下你和其他人是如何根据你在自我定义的身份中的经历来看待问题的, and through how others may identify you. 想想歧视和刻板印象,以及宽容和善良的表达. 写下或讨论如何以友善和开放的态度解决问题, respectful conversations with others.

当涉及到解决问题时,将善良与更高的目标联系起来. Tell your story and listen to others. How are your stories the same? Different? 与他人分享自己的故事是培养同理心和联系的好方法.

你可能想问问自己,如何将善意与你试图解决的其他问题联系起来. 利用公民参与是人们试图解决更大问题的一种常见方式. How can kindness be used to address problems, while leaving others with hope, agency, and connections?

When you experience problems within yourself or with others, 一定要找到能保证你和他人安全的解决方案,避免带来进一步的情感或身体伤害.

SEL at School

Social emotional skills are modeled, taught, 并在学校里通过四种方法练习: 

  • Creating Safe and Welcoming Climates 
  • Classroom Practices that Foster Equity and Belonging 
  • Instructional Practices that Weave SEL into Academics
  • Stand-Alone SEL Skills Lessons 

Social Emotional Skills

We focus on the six SEL Skills identified by WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, including:

  1. Self-Awareness
    Identify one’s emotions, personal assets, areas for growth, and potential external resources and supports
  2. Self-Management
    Regulating emotions, thoughts, and behaviors
  3. Self-Efficacy
    Motivating oneself to persevere, and see oneself as capable
  4. Social Awareness
  5. Social Management
  6. Social Engagement

SEL Programs
